A few weeks ago, I realized one of the stones on my wedding band was cracked...like *really* cracked. You know it's bad when you can see the crack with a naked eye. I was pretty bummed because I knew I hadn't kept up with my 6-month check ups and this meant I would have to pay for the repair. I used to go in for my check up's Religiously; I even had reminders on my phone! But, since moving to Herrick, I kept forgetting to bring the paperwork when we would go back for visits....and over a year has gone by since my last inspection. The beauty of smaller diamonds is smaller fees to fix/replace them. I got out of there relatively inexpensively, so that I was happy!
If you knew me back when I first got engaged/married, you know how much I L.O.V.E. my wedding set! It is exactly what I would have picked and it is the perfect ring for me. When J and I first talked about getting married, I put together a photo collage of pictures of my favorite styles. I wanted him to "pick" my ring, but I wanted to make sure to steer him in the right direction...such a control freak, he should have known then... haha! He ended up finding one even better than I could have hoped for! Lucky for YOU, I carry around about 4 different flash drives at all times (PSY-CHO) sooo, I can actually post the picture Jason sent me way back when! He found this design all on his own, from Tiffany's, of all places! Obviously, we couldn't afford their prices, so we took this picture to Jared and had it custom made at a fraction of the price. I always love a good bargain! (O:

I apologize for the grainy and weirdly sized photo...it's old. (O: Anyway, this is basically what my wedding set looks like. I love the flat, bezelled engagement ring and I LOVE the zig-zag diamonds on the band. Someone once told me they reminded them of polka dots, which is even more reason to love them! Oh, how I love polka dots! (O:
So, anyway, this was just a silly little post because I was so excited to finally have my wedding ring repaired and back where it belongs. Funny how this little ol' thing made me feel out of place for a couple weeks. It might not be the biggest or best there is, but to me, it is perfect.