Whew, what a weekend! Even with an extra day away from work, I'm completely worn out, but in the best way!
(Confession: I actually had to sit here and think back to remember what all we did this weekend...that's how far my mind has gone. Haha!)
Friday night, Jason's parents and maternal grandparents came to visit, bringing along our (almost) 2 year old nephew. It was very nice to visit with them and watch Emilia and Lawdin (or Law-Law as E calls him) play together. It was the funniest thing- Emilia had to go to time out at one point in the evening and, of course, she fake cried about it. The moment E started "crying", Lawdin face showed his deep concern and he started crying too. It was like he felt her pain to his core! Sweet kids.
Saturday was crafting day! I posted on facebook because it struck me as funny...I usually watch Chick Flicks while I craft but that day, I chose to watch Silence of the Lambs. I really love that movie, as well as the other 2 in the series...I know they are gross, but they are back when movies still had suspense. Anymore, a "scary" movie is just blood and guts with no plot. Anyway, I'm rambling. I had a very productive craft session! I completed a taggie for a girl at church and the cutest little vest/tie onesie! Her sister is getting married this weekend, and her 2 year-old is in the wedding. She asked me about making something for her 9 month-old so he would match the rest of the family. Two fun crafts, one great afternoon:
Sunday started with a wonderful morning at church. We had lots of kiddos in the back and I actually got to stay in "big church"! After church, Jason suggested leaving after Emilia's nap to head to Granite City. I was off Monday and had to go that way anyway for a doctor's appointment. Little did I know, he has already discussed with his mom for her to watch E so he could take me to dinner and a movie! The movie (Bad Teacher) was completely ignorant and not funny, but it was really great to have a few hours just he and I. We hit all our favorite stores- Target, Old Navy, and Kohl's- all kid-free! I got some really great deals, so that was awesome!
Monday was my birthday and it was a really great day! Before 9 am I had over 20 FB notifications and by the end of the day, the total was well over 100!! What a great outpouring of love from my friends and family! I was sincerely touched by it. I know it's just silly facebook, but it was really cool that I couldn't even keep up with responding because there were so many. I had to recharge my phone twice! (O: I got to eat lunch at one of my old fav's- Chevy's! Yummy!! I didn't even feel bad about eating the whole chimichanga! ;-)
Monday was my ahem, annual exam....yes, on my birthday...I also wanted to talk with my doctor about what might be keeping me from getting pregnant. I have been off birth control since last June and it only took a couple months to get pregnant with Emilia. After discussing it, we decided to try Clomid. She said it should work within 3 months...so we shall see! I am pretty nervous about the "multiple-maker", but seeing as we would like 4-5 kids altogether, this might be a way to get a 2 or 3-for 1 deal! ;-) I will keep you posted. (O:
I was supposed to have a photo session Monday evening with an old friend and her family, but unfortunately it fell through. I tried contacting her the several days leading up to Monday, and never heard back. I was pretty bummed since I'm trying really hard to gain more experience and build a good portfolio. But, that's OK. There are other possibilities on the horizon, and I will keep moving forward. I am still back-and-forth about whether to use the name "Lifesong Photography" or just go with my name...I found a couple other Lifesong's- not local, but they are on FB and that could make it hard to find mine... Not that a name really matters at this point, but I've been tossing around the idea of a photography business fb page so I can use that to refer potential clients as I go. Just some thoughts.
It kind of worked out not having the photo shoot, because it meant we got home at a decent hour. We had our first Emilia-drawing-on-a-wall experience though...I could have done without that!! It was my fault...I left a bottle of nail polish out on my nightstand the afternoon we left and forgot about it. She was quiet for quite a while before Jason or I realized she wasn't with either of us. By that time, the hot pink polish was all over her toes, feet, fingers, arms and belly, as well as the wall and small dots on the carpet (transfer from her toes, I believe). Jason was able to scrub it out of the carpet and we decided to just repaint the wall in our bedroom-the white was boring anyway!
So, I know this post was a little long and not centered on one "thought", but as you can see, my days were busy and my mind is still catching back up! I hope you had a fantastic weekend as well! (O: