Toward the top of my list was packages to ship to Saipan. We have certain items we want to take with us (towels, sheets, toiletries, Emilia games, etc.) that I planned to ship early. This way we will *hopefully* have these packages in our apartment when we arrive. Yes, this is really early. We do not leave for Saipan until July 23rd. But, we leave for North Carolina next Friday for a month-long cultural training so I don't have much time.
The first box was easy. We are taking 2 pair of sheets for our bed and 2 pair for Emilia's bed. I also have a new, bright, cheery, colorful, *thin quilt bedspread for E, as well as 2 sets of towels per person. I was pretty proud of myself for managing to fit all of this into one box!
Rolling saves quite a bit of space.
I showed my MIL the exciting news and then she made my day! She suggested trying one of her Space Bags. They are plastic bags that you fill, seal closed and then vacuum the air out. Magical! We went from this:


It might not look like that big of a deal, but it really made some extra room along the sides. I went from only having room for the items I listed previously to being able to include several bathroom items, toiletries, a few card games, an over-the-door towel rack, and so much more! These were all other items I would have had to ship in a separate box. How exciting to fit so much more in this box and cut a little cost! Yes, this box now cost more to ship, but again, it was all stuff we were shipping either way. Check out my final box!:
I am so glad all of these items are on their way to Saipan and will be waiting for us when we arrive! We are just one tiny step closer to this long awaited adventure!
Hi! My name is MyLyn and we've lived in Saipan for almost a year now. So glad to have another family coming out! Let me know if you have any questions or need any help!